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Friday, June 5, 2015

Prepping For A Big Hike....A Real Big Hike.

At the end of June, I will be going on the biggest adventure I could imagine doing physically.  My husband and I will be hiking the High Country Pathway (HCP) in Northern Michigans Lower peninsula.  It is 80 miles, and it is a loop so where we park the car and start is also where we end. 

           Yes, I did see the movie "Wild"..... Yes, It is an inspiration.  No, my life was not as reckless as Reese Witherspoons character......But yes, I've made mistakes, maybe acted a little wild and as a result I had to grow up very fast at an early age.  For years I have been finding myself.  I know who I am, I know where I belong, but this hike is going to be a huge challenge for me and I'm hoping I feel peace with myself, I hope I feel accomplishment, I hope I feel centered, and I hope I feel even more like I can do anything.

 A Team Effort

            My husband will be joining me on this Hike.  I have been planning this intensely and methodically for the last month,  My husband is stronger then me and has not had to do quite as much physical training as me.  I have a weak back, in fact I throw it out if I have to huge of a sneeze.  We are a strong couple...Together for almost 19 years, and getting ready to celebrate 13 years of marriage.  We are a goofy, funny, light hearted couple.  Sometimes we do and say the silliest things and say "my gosh people would think we are crazy"  Or  "Do you think other couples act like this?"  I love it.  This is going to either be a huge triumph for him and I or we are going to kill each other every step of the way.  (probably a bit of both)

 My mental state

          I have been thinking more lately, How am I going to feel on this hike?  Am I going to get through this and be fist pumping at the end like a seriously tough bad ass, or am I going to cry most of the way through saying "why the heck did I feel like I needed to do this!! Lets call someone to rescue us!!!"  I'm a little nervous to be honest.  I'm not very physically strong.  I do however feel like I'm mentally strong.  One of the worst things a person can say to me is that I cant do something, because I will do whatever I have to do prove you wrong.


Prepping Gear

     Oh My Lord!  Ummmm, Heavy.  Shall I start a list?
1. Two Person Tent
2. sweat wicking clothing for a couple days to wear until they stink like hell
3. long johns to sleep in
4.  Sleeping bag
5.  Dehydrated food for 4 days, and a crap ton of peanuts and granola snacks
6.  First aid, cortisone cream, sunblock, bug spray, flushable wipes (yep)
7.  Water purification system so we dont get diarrhea for days, and puke to death.
8.  Water bottles
9.  weapons
10.  walking poles
11.  fire starting supplies
12.  Bathing supplies
13.  GPS, paper map, cell phones, camera, power pack

Dang, I could probably get really picky and name more stuff but this is about the most of what we are taking.  We have practice packed and we are both at about 23 pounds each including our hiking bags.
We both have 45 Liter bags.  We got multiple bags, and finally have decided on the most comfy.


Are We Going To Die?

      I kid, I kid.....no really.......Its bear and elk territory and a little cougar or bob cat.  I know, hang our food bags away from camp up in a tree,  Keep your scents as little as possible.  Honestly, I dont have too much of a fear of animal attacks.  Weapons can help with that.


Journaling This Trip

             I will be carrying a journal to hand write everything about this hike.  So add that to my list of gear to bring.... The journal and pen.


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