Hopefully you will enjoy my blog about hunting, fishing, the outdoors, and my artsy-fartsi-ness.
Thanks for visiting.

Monday, March 19, 2012

British Pallet Shelf

This is the finished Product

1st, I printed off a picture of the flag to use as a template.  I used a measure stick to make all he lines perfect.  You can kinda see in the photo that I labeled what areas to paint certain colors so you don't get confused.  Note:  don't use black marker.....It's a bitch to paint over 500 coats, and let each coat of paint dry before starting the next color.

You can see I did the white first, and red second....Now I just need to add the blue!

Finished!  It was a bitch to paint, it was time consuming, but I love it!  It can be hung on a wall and used as a shelf.  #1 thing to remember, let each color of paint dry before starting the next color!!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Floating Duck house

  I built this floating duck house for our ducks so they hopefully wont get killed by the fox around my property.  This is from beginning to end product. 
1st, started be water proof staining a pallet
2nd, I built the actual duck box and stapled chicken wire to the bottom .

3rd, this is the box upright, with a hole sawed out for entrance.

You can see I made the front of the box slightly higher than the back so rain can run off.

4th, I attached the box to the pallet.

looking down at the interior of the box.  I ended up stapling a layer of black weed guard in to give it more stability but still allowing good ventilation.

5th, added roof with hinges so I can lift it to clean it if needed.  

6th, me finishing all the staining touches.

These are the duck.  Peking ducks @ 2 weeks old.

6th, in this photo you can see (barely), but I slid 2 layers of insulation foam into the slats of the pallet.  That is what makes it float.  I screwed screws throughout the pallet to hold the foam in place.  I also filled the gaps with moss so hopefully moss will grow in it.

I filled the bed area with pine shavings and some dry nesting grass.  The inside is stained with a clear sealer.

back view

Front view, and you would think it's done..But NO!

I needed to get crazy and add stairs up the side so the ducks could bask in the sun on the roof!  

Finished product floating in the pond!

anchored with a brick and a rope.

     I will keep this updated to let you know how long it stays afloat.                                                                            


Update 2015:   The duck house lasted a successful 2 years, including being frozen in the ice for two winters.  If or when I do this again in the future I will add more foam for floating and make sure the foam is packed and sealed really well.  It would've lasted longer, but the foam started to break loose and thats what did it in.  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pallet table

I have made the Pallet table that is so popular on pinterest.  It was very easy to do!  Very very easy!  

find the pallets that you want!  2 of them.

attached casters I found on the side of the road!
this is it assembled but not stained.  I recommend staining before assembling.  

Get a drink and enjoy your new table!

First things first, I got pallets that were pretty flat and even, not warped.  and attached casters to the bottom of the bottom pallet. 
Second,  We cut 2x4 pieces to the desired height we wanted.
Third, we assembled it, but then took it apart to stain it (2 coats, I used a solid stain).  I would recommend staining it first.
Fourth, we assembled it and now are enjoying it.

p.s. I did not sand it, I like the rough look.


Friday, March 9, 2012

funny as hell

funny as hell for the end of the world.


found this to be really amusing.  thanks Neil

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

wire clothes line frame

These are a couple frames I had around the house.  So I painted them, and scuffed them up.  The frame on the left, I painted the background blue, and the frame on the right, I painted the background white but angled a piece of scrapbooking paper inside.  Before I assembled these I took the glass out so it was just the frame, face down.  I cut this wire to the length that I wanted the little closthes lines to hang, and super glued them in place.  Then I place the glass in and assembled the frame.  I went to Michaels craft store and bought a bag of tiny clothes pins.  Each frame has 4 clothes pins on the line, and you can hang anything on them (notes, pictures, trinkets).  You can hang this on a wall, stand it up if the frame has the back stand, or a cute idea would be to attach strong magnets to the back and have it on the fridge.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

White wash pallet shelf

This is one of the first pallet projects I've made, and this one was made for my mom.  She wanted to go with a beachy theme. In the center of the pallet there was one long board down the center, so I sawed off the bottom half of the center board to open the lower part up for more displaying.  After that, I started by painting it white.

Two coats of paint
Once I let it dry over night, we took it out to the barn with an electric sander, and sanded the whole thing till it was fairly smooth.  We also sanded it so the wood was showing through in some spots to give it the "worn beachy" look.  I think it turned out good.  My mom is happy with it.  

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Free is the way to be!

Yeah, Free!  I get so much shit for free in the mail, every day is like Christmas.  No joke, sometimes, the mail lady has to bring it all to my door because is all wont fit in the box!  It's so simple, and so fun to get free stuff.
This was Saturdays mail:  Diapers (for Jadens baby dolls), wipes, lady product, puffs tissue, 2 toothpaste samples, teeth whitening strips, 2 shick razors, 2 dish cleaning packets, and downey scented softener.
I am not one of those coupons people who try to grocery shop and spend nothing, but I do get coupons in the mail for free items from stores, and I do get those.  Like these quarts of paint.  I printed these Free quart coupons, and Andy and I went in and got them for free at Ace Hardware.
2 free quarts of paint from Ace Hardware, in any tint we wanted.
I love free shit!  Some of the free stuff I get is as silly as diapers.....I don't have kids in diapers, but either my daughter will use them for a baby doll, or I donate them.  Other free stuff I get can be really nice stuff.  Last spring I signed my husband up to try the new Taylor Made golf club, and within a couple weeks, there's a box at the door with a $140.00 club, and a $40.00  box of balls.  I'm going to try and list the sites I check daily for freebies.  It's so easy, simple and quick.  But is brightens your day to get a fun little new "item" in the mail.  Plus, it gets addicting

I am also in a program (free program) that allows me to qualify for new products, events and specials going on. Such as:

Hopefully, you will enjoy some Free Shit!


Our Duckling Dynasty / Growth

1 day

2 days

3 days

4 days
               1 thru 4 days old.  see any differences yet?

15 days old!  they are getting real feathers

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Raising ducks.

Well, we are farmers now.  We bought 6, 1 day old ducklings yesterday.  They are so sweet and cute, and are living in our family room for a week or two.
this is the rubber bin they are in for now.
 We have a barn, with a room set up for them to move into when the weather warms up.  I hope all goes well with them.  It's a part of life though, living out here where I am that the foxes are around all the time.  My neighbor had thirty guinea hen last year, and only 6 survived after the season.  So I hope for a better turn out.
My daughter Jaden, loving her duckie "Charlie"
We have a pond on our property, and I will be building them a floating house for there safety.  I will keep my blog updated on there life and growth.
They all loved being snuggled into my robe.  

One day old

2 days old

They are Peking ducks.  They should be tall slender, white ducks.  So far my dog is being nice with them.

Dozer and a duck.