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Saturday, February 25, 2012


I needed a nap before going to the Oprah show.
Dog and daughter, out on the couch.

my husband and son sleeping.  After the Buick Open.
Exhausted from standing in the hot sun all day.  
This is a real nap.

snuggle with a sugglie
napping is one of my favorite past times.  I don't seem to sleep very good at night, but I can clonk out at the drop of a hat during the day.  Alls I need is a blanket.  I like it to be dark, but it's not totally necessary. I can throw the crook of my arm over my eyes, or just use my hand like I have a migraine.  I also cannot have my nose covered, I need full breathing room.  What is so great about a nap anyway?  Why can't I sleep at night?  But can fall into a deep sleep in the day?  I can be stressed out, and take a nap and wake up with a different attitude.  Naps are good.  Whenever I want to take a nap and my husband is around, I tell him he just has to lay down with his eyes closed for ten minutes.  He, unlike me, can fall asleep within seconds, so ten minutes is plenty of time for him to get to sleep, so that I can take a nap too.  In fact, I just heard my husband Yawn, im going to take advantage of this Saturday afternoon, and get some daytime shut eye.

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